trying to keep things to myself.. but was wondering....

1 minute read time.

well... ive been trying to keep this to myself as much as i possibly could.. but i have spoken about it to a few of you... im going to be having someone to talk to, because of how ive been feeling lately.

only the thought really scares me, makes me feel like im bit loopy or something, the words in the referral letter makes me feel like im loosing the plot...

so today i rang up the "physical health psychology service",  (makes me feel a bit like i am mayb a little bit mad) to make my appointment, and they are going to be sending it out in the post, so that i get to see a pyschologist....

but if im really honest, i dont know what i would say to them. because i cant explain how im feeling, or even why ive been as down as i have been. i dunno if id be wasting there time. i mean i shouldnt have nothing to be down about really should i? im in remission, im all clear... but still feel the way i do... the littlest things still upset me.. grrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! 

i rang up the hospital today, to find out about wether they know if i have an appointment to speak to the lung specialists or not.. but they seemed abrupt with me. like they hadnt got the time to speak to me... because the last few days ive had a pain in my back when ive been breathing in, and it got to the point i couldnt get comfy lying anyway.. the pain isnt to bad today, but just wanted reasurance.. but they didnt want to know really...

i dunno... just things dont make sense to me... maybe i am just wasting ther time, and i need to try get on with life without speaking to someone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Em,

    The trouble with aches and pain is that they make you think IT may be back... I know, I've got the same problem myself.  It just plays on your mind all the time, and counselling will help sort things out, and get you back on track.  Your doctor should be able to reassure you about the pains, and if he thinks it necessary will pull out all stops to get it sorted.  I hope things improve soon.


  • FormerMember

    Hey hun

    Sorry your feeling a little lost right now. To be honest with you i had no idea what to say or oif i had anything to say to them. But I got in that room and its as if i'm safe and it doesn't matter what i say I'm safe. It will flo out i promise, I hope it works for you hun. And your only as mad as i am ;-)

    now that feels you with hope doesn't it lol!

    Bloody hospitals again i swear they actually have a place where receptionists are trained to be rude! If all fails ring again tomorrow and the day after that and do it until they do know hun. Its the ones who stay quiet that wait the longest the more you moan/complain the quicker you are seen. If nothing else i have learnt that!

    Thinking of you hun and you know where i am if you need to talk.

    Tiggsy xx

  • FormerMember

    hmmmm. there was a song many years ago about the lunatics running things, today i think that may be true,theres cetainly many of them in the D.W.P, for instance i was sent for a back to work interview/medical having had surgery,rad treatment etc. i went for this with a small triangle/gauze bandage taped to my face where my nose should have been. the daft bugger asked me if i felt depressed duhhh pick your window to go out of you muppet. ha ha, seriously ive been told to open my mouth and complain about some of my treatments and delays, which ive just done, and now i have an appointment with the sycho squad to discuss my problems, i feel better having let rip and seen some results, the person you will see is the one to let it all out to, let them guide you through your problems, tell them your concerns etc, they are there to help. best of luck, dont be like me try and let them help. warmest regards ski xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks for all your comments, theyve really helped =) xxx

  • FormerMember

    Emz u have been through a lot at a young age, having a wide range of emotions is normal, u had to grow up quickly, as time goes by these feeling will pass. Just focus on the positives now, hope you feel stronger soon and never forget there's always someone to listen to you x