trying to keep things to myself.. but was wondering....

1 minute read time.

well... ive been trying to keep this to myself as much as i possibly could.. but i have spoken about it to a few of you... im going to be having someone to talk to, because of how ive been feeling lately.

only the thought really scares me, makes me feel like im bit loopy or something, the words in the referral letter makes me feel like im loosing the plot...

so today i rang up the "physical health psychology service",  (makes me feel a bit like i am mayb a little bit mad) to make my appointment, and they are going to be sending it out in the post, so that i get to see a pyschologist....

but if im really honest, i dont know what i would say to them. because i cant explain how im feeling, or even why ive been as down as i have been. i dunno if id be wasting there time. i mean i shouldnt have nothing to be down about really should i? im in remission, im all clear... but still feel the way i do... the littlest things still upset me.. grrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! 

i rang up the hospital today, to find out about wether they know if i have an appointment to speak to the lung specialists or not.. but they seemed abrupt with me. like they hadnt got the time to speak to me... because the last few days ive had a pain in my back when ive been breathing in, and it got to the point i couldnt get comfy lying anyway.. the pain isnt to bad today, but just wanted reasurance.. but they didnt want to know really...

i dunno... just things dont make sense to me... maybe i am just wasting ther time, and i need to try get on with life without speaking to someone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Em, Sorry to hear you are feeling down. We all have a 'new normal' after cancer and it must be even harder for you being so young and your friends who dont realise how precious life is yet. Unfortunatley you do know how precious it is. Take any help they offer you please. Chase up the hospital about the back pain, there is no need to suffer in silence.

    Take Care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember


    No need to feel at all bad about going to see a psychologist - just like a GP or oncologist - they are used to seeing new patients and helping you. And if anything in my experience psychologists are understandably better at reassuring you, and are experienced at asking questions to discover about you.

    Yes it may be strange the first time, I certainly found that but quickly found it was just like going to the general hospital - but more calm and relaxing.

    Regarding your lung issue, of course you are not wasting their time, it is for them to see you and sort you out as best they can. Why not get your GP on the case.

    And as I have said to you several times, you have been through a traumatic year, and the end of chemo wasn't the end - it was the beginning of the end, and your body will need many months to return to normal, including your mind.

    bets wishes


  • FormerMember

    hi em,

    sending you lots of love and hugs

    Stacey xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hiya em

    when you say you rang the hospital -who did you speak to? admin? nurse or doc?

    if it was admin then fone back and ask to speak to a medic or specialist nurse

    i worked in the nhs for a few years and had to deal with all .......some admin (i was one!!!! but a nice one)

    secretaries are awful ....think they run the bloomin hospital .......

    if you dont get the reassurance or help you need go to PALS !!!!!

    good luck hun


  • FormerMember

    Good morning Em, thanks for getting in touch with us all.  You are not mad for seeing a psychologist, if your leg was broke you would see a surgeon, its all the same.  You don't know what you will say because at the moment you are like a big ball of wool all tied up in a bundle.  The psychologist will help you untie the ball, from beginning to end, then you will feel better I promise you.  Cancer is such a smack in the face, even harder when you are young as your life is just starting so you will need to get things into perspective.  After cancer treatment finishes we can sometimes get lots of aches and pains and they will settle with time, however, you should not ignore them and the best person, as Chris says, is the oncologist secretary.  The hospital don't mean to be abrupt and they shouldn't but sometimes we all get caught in an off moment so please persist and leave their rudeness behind you.  Please keep blogging, it may help you get your feelings out with us all here too as we may be more able to empathise.  Good luck, take care, Ann