sunday trip to bristol

3 minute read time.

we have this passion for campervans, vw's... ever since we went on a festival this year we have promised our selves that we would save and buy for a campervan so we could go to other festivals in it, and not get soaking wet in our tent!

now when i found out in october that i had hodgkins lymphoma, this seemed like the perfect thing to do... buy a campervan so that i would have something to look forwards to next year...

as most of you in chat new that i was in hospital the other weekend because i was neutropenic... i fell asleep while my partner was there.. he got looking on ebay.... where he came across this campervan... brilliant oppurtunity.. reasonable price considering most campervans are like 15.000 odd pounds! the interior looked great, bit of rust on the outside... but saying that, it is 30 years old...

so we said wed go and meet them this weekend on the sunday... so at 9 o clock we set off, ther wasnt much traffic on the motor way and we got ther for about 11.. we looked inside it had dead flies hanging everywher and the inside wasnt as nice as we thought it would be... but we still brought it

my fiances dad drove us to pick up our campervan,the man that sold us it said he wasnt sure how much fuel was in it... so we handed the money over, and signed the log book..

so we was on our way to the fuel station when we cut out.... dohhhhh!!!! on a hill!! even worse!! so we had to get out and push this campervan up the hill to the fuel station, we wernt to far from it, jus about 25 meters or so... so  all topped up now...

along we go pop pop bang brummmm brummm... up and down these hills... got to a set of traffic lights, the battery light came on, and the oil light.... ooohh no... wed cut out... so my partner tries starting it agian.. bearing in mind, we are only 19, and 20... so not used to old vehicles.. we thought it was us... still kept trying, and agian and agian, nope... jus wasnt working at all... so.... my partners dad had brought a tow bar with him incase anything did happen any where... so we had to stop the traffic, all these 59 plate posh aldi cars with there posh buisness man owners looking down on us drove buy us... talk about embarrassing... but still i got out of the campervan, with my half bald head and put my hand out to these men in ther cars and they stopped and all i could do was smile... it was sooo amusing.. 

so we were on tow then, but that wasnt succesful as the campervan couldnt brake properly so my partners dad was saying that it felt like the campervan was pushing him along.. hahaha..

so we stopped and pulled over and called the rac... the rac came and said that it smelt rich with the fuel and that there was many wiring faults... so we would have to be recovered home from bristol.... =(

that cost 300 pound... so a very angry me got on the phone to the previous owner that wed just brought the campervan off... and he didnt answer the phone. so i left him a message with a few mean words on it...

so... we waited 45 minutes for the pick up truck to come and get us, and then had to do 56 all the way home.... but we got home at half 4, and the campervan was still smiling so we were still smiling... all in all it was a very good day...

so now instead of running around in the campervan, we shall be fixing it, cleaning it, and re doing the inside up... =)

hope this story of my weekend made you all giggle =)
