medical assessment for esa...

2 minute read time.

im writing this for my own record, and for if anyone else has to have a medical assessment and doesnt know what to expect.

i had my medical assessment this morning. at 9.25. (could of watched jeremy kyle) lol... but anyways... i got there.. eventually... after finding the place. they dont make these things easy to find thats for sure. soooo, i handed my letter in, and my form of ID. sat down and waited. my name was called.. she introduced herself, as a nurse.(forget her name) she was a nice lady. im so glad it was a lady, didnt really want a man...

we walked into the interview room, and sat down, she asked several questions, mostly the ones that are on the form that you fill in. so i was honest and told her i do get down alot, and that the doctor said it would go away on its own, months ago. and it hasnt.. and told her lots more things. she asked me questions about who i lived with. do i get on with them etc.. who do i see at the hospital, how often.. etc etc..

she asked about where i work now, and if im still employed, i said i wouldnt have a clue as theyve not contacted me in 14 months to see how i am. and she said really? not even to ask how you are? i said nope. no contact. she said some people are unbelievable... how right...

and asked me what day of the week are we on.. that did puzzle me.. i had to really think about that question. felt so stupid after..but did eventually say.. wednesday!!! durrr!!!!! lol.. and then she asked me to say each day of the week, backwards starting from today... she confused me then 2... lol never mind... lots more questions later... she asked me to go into the assessment room..

now this is the not so fun part.. the part where i dont see how it has anything to do with wether or not you can work...

she asked me to bend over and touch my toes, and then called me a show off because i could. she asked me to crouch to the floor, i did, i got up and there was a big crack from my knees and hips. and she went "crunch"... then i had to raise my hands in the air, link my fingers. touch my thumb with my fingers. push her hands down and up. and wave my wrists round in circles.move my head from side to side, up and down.

then i had to lie on the bed. and lift my knees to my chest.. lift my legs up in the air. move my legs from side to side. (what kind of job would this be in)????  and then i had to breathe into a tube to see how much air i could breath out... she said that was ok....

and then that was that.. she said id hear in the next two to three weeks. sooo i shall wait and see what they decide...

  • Wow by the sound of it, and if you managed to do all those things, they will come back to you after a while, and say that yes you are fit to work, and then stop any benifits your might have been entitled to, did they ask you if you can hold a pen? if you said yes to that and showed them you could, then i dred to think !

    i am afraid their tests for medical assesment are a bit of a joke, and do not take into account very much at all.

    My advise be very careful what you tell them, and how you move,

    Keep smiling.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Em, yes the 'medical assessment' is a friggin joke. I had one a couple of months ago. They said the same stuff to me and then i got a letter a couple of weeks later saying i could return back to work. i was fumming. I immediatly phoned up and asked for copy of the report and the lady on the phone told me to send a letter in complaining and once they have that letter they will back date your payments while it goes to tribunal. I have not had a letter back from them but they have started paying me again!!!! Found it all very strange and fustrating, i know they have to stop the sly ones but they can see from our notes we have had cancer so why they put us through this added stress is beyond me.

    Just get that letter in asap saying about the mental stress.

    Take Care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember


    I have attended many of these with other people in my line of work.

    If anyone is going to one I suggest you look at this website to see the type of questions asked in advance. During the assessment tell the interviewer how you feel on your worst days, take all your medication with you and medical letters and also have someone to go in with you for support.

    Don't forget to mention the emotional stresses and not just phsical difficulties.

    Dotty x x

  • FormerMember

    oops! This is the website address about esa assessments x x