just a few words =)

3 minute read time.


This is it... my last chemo will be on Thursday... how do i feel.? Relief, worried, anxious, happy, nervous, sad... why?

Because i will be out of the routine that i feel like ive been stuck in, i cant explain it, its like im able to just feel free and not feel like im going to be stuck having chemo forever, when they 1st say its 6 months of treatment u feel its a life time

 away, like the last one is never going to come..but wow when i think, it only feels like yesterday that i was diagnosed!! Crazy is one way of explaining it!

I remember first joining this site, not knowing what it was about and how it worked, feeling really nervous about talking to people, but at the same time, i was looking forwards to hearing other peoples experiences, views and opinions.. i wouldnt of found this site if it wasn’t for another member being on the lymphoma site, so thank you.....

I felt so alone before i joined this site, like everyone all my family and friends were all so gutted and sorry that i had cancer, and said they’d be here when i needed someone to talk to.. but whenever i did try to talk to them i  couldnt quite explain how i felt.. they said they understood, but they never could, not really, not in the way you all do... thats why i come here.. because its great for the talks, and advice when i need it, its also great for the laughs that have got me through...because if i didnt laugh then i would cry.. and my i think ive had my fair share of tears, to many!!!

There are alot of you that have helped me through my down times and i really do appriciate it, youve all got youre own lives and battles and journeys yet, you are all here if i need someone to talk to, someone to laugh with or someone just to listen...and i consider alot of you as friends, friends that i will take with me through the rest of my life, good friends, and i am glad to have met you all in here, wished it had been in different circumstances but im still glad to have found you all.... youre all so honest, thoughtful kind and caring, and its nice to come into chat for everyone to say hi emz..how you doin emz, because ive sadly found that most my friends have disappeared and left me to get on with this journey on my own, except when they want me...but im not gunna put myself down about that, im just thankful of the new friends ive met, that will mean more than the old friends that ive lost...

I wont be leaving you all behind now that im due to finish, . Perhaps in time i wont come on as much, people come and go, life goes on and all that, but im not going any where just yet because i am still worried about things and im not ready to leave you all, and its still not over yet, ive got to have scans and be given the results we all want to here..and i want to see how you all get along in youre journeys and be there for you all like youve been here for me...  

But i guess i just wanted to say, thanks for getting me through! Thanks for being here, and well, thanks for being you.!!

Lotsa love

Emma xxx



  • FormerMember

    Emz you hit the nail on the head. In return I would like to say its been an absolute pleasure meeting you. Your always there when someone needs you (mostly me), to give advice and tell silly jokes and make ppl laugh in the darkest times. As I said earlier you are now my Fairy Godmother! lol!

    Thank you Emz for being a shining star in the darkest of days!

    Kirsty x

  • FormerMember

    hey emz,s god im soppy today, you just made me cry again,

    you are amazing and youve just said it all, about the people on here, we do all understand ,we share the good, the bad, the tears and the laughs,and also about friends i have certainly found out who my true friends are ,

    but as for you , you always give out positive vibes ,and always make me smile from our contact and what ive seen you say to other people, you will be scared ,your only human huni ,but im hoping you go on to a very long lifetime of every happiness possible , sending you lots of love jenni xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I am so glad i have met you. you have helped me in what is a very dark time and for that i am truly thankful. good luck emz although i am sure you wont need luck. Kath

  • FormerMember

    Emma, its been a pleasure to know you. apart from the C we could all do without

    We have had some good times and laffs and a few tears too,

    But it your last one so well done Emma.

    you have got your whole life in front of you to look forward too. Go out and enjoy yourself and if you want do come back and see what we are all up too. I have enjoyed getting to know you very much and hope we can stay in touch.

    love rosie

  • FormerMember

    hello emz, I've just read your blog.  I was scared when my treatment finished - it was like being in the middle of ocean and not knowing what way to swim.  Anyway, you are now beginning a new life and have many gifts to give and receive on this site still.  Just think how we can gain from your journey, what with all the ups,downs,lols and tears! not to mention sheer desperation at not being able to control ones life.  You will one day, I hope, leave the site and start your new life with but in the meantime, we all still need you even if you feel you don't need us as much anymore.  I wish you all the luck in the world and am feeling happy for you right now - you go girl!!