its out =)

1 minute read time.

yes yes another blog from me.... but.... yipppeeeeee the line is out =)

it took a while, alot longer than i thought it would... ther was lots of digging, and cutting, it was quite uncomfortable, but the lovely nurse held my hand, while the doc did his handy work!! or not so handy work, cuz he messed a stitch up!! and had to take it out...!! and then try again!!  ohhh and i really didnt realise how tall the doc was until i had the bed raised almost up to the ceiling!! well it felt like it anyway! haha!!

so while i was having it done, Bill (the doctor) and Elaine (the nurse) wer talking to me about all sorts of things... so they asked me what i was doing and am i going on holiday... so i told them im going to watch black eyed peas on the 1st of june... and he said right, i dont no who youre talking about.. so he made a promise he would look them up on you tube later, and i made a promise he would be dancing round his living room!! haha!! anything to keep my mind and eyes off looking at the line coming out.... but how am i feeling.... well...

very very very happy =) and quite a bit sore actually.... but hey ho, il get over it, just two things left now..... the lung function test and the CT scan whenever i get the date through for that.....

ohhh and they admitted they hadnt sent off my macmillan grant!! so i had a few words! lol .... hopefully they will send it off 2day or 2mora...

well... im gunna stop typing now cuz im sore!! =(
