extreme tiredness.. advice please :S

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just thought id write a blog to see if this has happened to anyone else...

well, basically iv been working for four weeks now, 30 hours a week.. after having time off work since september 2009.

but this last few days, iv got up worked from 9-4, and then come home, had a bath something to eat, and then been in bed from 6pm and slept til 9.30pm... got up, then gone to bed at 11pm ish... and slept right through til 7.30 when i wake up again for work...

i dunno, its getting to me, as i feel all im doing now is sleeping and working.. i just have no energy to watch the TV or anything.. i feel fine at work, until i get home and then i only gotta put my head on the pillow and im gone...  just would of thought after four weeks my body would adjust to this working thing again..

think iv got tonsilitis to.. got a few raised nodes in my neck, and sore throat. oh the joys!!! just generally feeling miserable and drained =(

  • FormerMember

    Dear Emma,

    You poor thing! Your body is not used to the pace you've been working at this past 4 weeks and is desperately trying to tell you to slow down a bit. I know you are young and that 30 hours does not seem much, but you have to realise how long it's been since you worked like this. At home, you getting bored and even found you were unable to sleep, but you've gone from one extreme to the other.

    If you are not able to slow down, then at least go along with the messages your body is giving you and sleep when you need to. It WILL improve, but it will take time. If you have got tonsillitus, then you ought to see your G.P. as you may need antibiotics and that could even be the cause of this excessive tiredness!

    All you say you feel as though you are doing is sleeping and working and, you know me - pot / kettle springs to mind - as I do little else but work, spend most of the night awake, sleep a little but sleep nearly all day, if I manage to take a day off work. The difference between us is huge though as I am soooooo much older than you - lol! Seriously, try to accept this as normal and "go with the flow" for a little longer, or go and see your G.P. - I'm sure you'll be listened to this time. Take care,

    Love and hugs, Rose x x x x(((((((hugs)))))))x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz

    Believe me, am not surprised you sleeping so much. Remember as well as being off work a long time you have been ill.

    I was not off as long as you and returned to work in December and it was only about April that I realised I no longer came home and wanted to crawl straight into bed!

    So don't take it as a sign that something is wrong, all your recent checks have been fine. It's just your body adjusting to a new regime.

    Love and hugs

    Max xxx

    P.S. I know you were out partying hard with my twin on Sat and that'd take a fit and healthy person a week to get over lol xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz,

    Rose has given you some very good advice. Your body

    will always let you know when you are overdoing it.

    Im the same all I want to do is climb into bed and dream beautiful dreams. Look after yourself. Sleep tight.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Em!

    I was just like you after my treatment: work, eat, sleep, work, eat, (cry), sleep, you got the meaning.  It took me a good few months for my body to adjust to its new shape, functioning without a lymphatic node and covered with an itchy red skin.  But I got better.  

    So please don't worry!  It's only natural that you feel so tired!  You haven't had a real break from treatment and worrying for a long time. Listen to your body and if you think you have tonsilitis please go to your GP.  Things WILL improve.

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXX

    PS: next time you are out partying give me a shout - I love embarassing all the 'youngsters' with my drinking and dancing!

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Em - With those hours after treatment no wonder you are tired.  Listen to your body and don't try and run before you can walk.  Perhaps try listening to music in bed.  A simple non energetic 'treat' if you do dishes by hand is to smack on hand cream, put on rubber gloves and let the hot water do the hand softening. Two jobs in one xx


    Jan x