Hello, my first post.

2 minute read time.

Hi                                                                                September 14, 2013

 My left kidney and left lung are type 4 cancerous known as RCC.

My family has been very supportive and I couldn’t have a better team of supporting players.

I have had several different side effects since I started on Pazopanib. I have been on Pazopanib for 39 days and counting.

I get nauseous, tired and have shortness of breath, but I am learning to cope with these problems. Some days all I can do is sit on the couch like a couch potato, other days I feel fairly good and even go to the gym for a little work out. Not much but at least I’m trying.

My, if you don’t mind, adventure with cancer rose up in May of this year and I really didn’t know that I had cancer until after several CT & PET scans and a Lung biopsy, in which caused my lung to collapse by 20 % and a very painful insertion of drainage tube to remove the fluid that had built up in a very short time. The insertion of the tube was the worst pain I ever had.

The Urology surgeons wanted to remove my kidney right away; I haven’t read anything good as to having the kidney removed.  The end result is that another area becomes cancerous.

But the staff of internal medicine doctors said that 10 years ago that was the norm with kidney cancer. Their recommendation was to wait and see how the Pazopanib would work on the cancer; needless to say at this I still have my kidney.

My next CT scan is October 31, at which time I’ll add another chapter to my ever changing life. When the results are in my Oncologist and I will discuss the next step.

For those who have cancer I can only say take it on day at a time. Worry about your own self and everybody else will be fine

  • FormerMember

    Hello Michael J.  Welcome to the blogging community, but I'm sorry you have had to find yourself here.  There are groups on this site for cancer types, you might want to join the ones for your type of cancer as there will be others there in a similar situation as yours.  You're quite right about taking things one day at a time, very good advice.  Take care xx

  • Hi Michael yes do join the kidney cancer group.You will find lots of help and support there from others who are or have experienced a similar situation.There are many who have had their kidney removed and have not experienced reoccurrence and of course there are others that have.Things certainly have moved on over the years especially with the medications now available for those with kidney cancer.There are also some other excellent groups you could join too.The James Whale Fund for Kidney Cancer is one and if you are on Facebook there is a closed group Kidney Cancer in the UK if you send a friend request I'm sure they will accept you.The side effects of medications vary from person to person and it appears your coping quite well under the circumstances, listening to your body and taking things day by day.Its also good to know you have the support of your family and others around you it makes all the difference having those people there for you.I wish you well with whatever the next chapter brings Good Luck Cruton X