Meeting with my Oncologist

2 minute read time.

I had a meeting with my Oncologist on 2nd of November.  The first thing that happened is that I was  weighed and my height wastaken.  Shortly after that I met my Oncologist and she told me that as I had a positive node she was giving me four rounds of chemo and putting me on an anti-hormone tablet.  She then introduced me to her registrar and told me he would take me through the treatment plan she had come up with.  I then went with him and he took me through the treatment plan.  He asked me the usual questions and said that he wanted me to go for a bloods before I went home.  Once he was finished he left to tell my oncologist that we were ready for her.  

We discussed what we were going to do about protecting my veins which are not great and she recommended that I get a port in before starting chemo and she got her registrar to book the port insertion then and there.  She said that I could start the hormone tablet while I was waiting to start chemo and stop taking it while undergoing chemo. I signed the consent form and I was then taken into another room and introduced to my oncology nurse.

She took me through the side effects of each of the drugs that I'd be getting.  For chemo I will be having TC chemo once every three weeks.  The hormone tablet is Anastrozole which I will  be taking for about 7 years and the bone drug I be getting is Zoledronic acid once every six months for a number of years.  I've also been put on Calcichew to help protect my bones.  She also gave my information about how to protect my mouth during chemo and the numbers I needed in case I felt ill between each chemo session. She also give me a prescription for Anastrozole and calcichew.  Once she was finished with me I went and got my bloods done.

A few days after I got a prescription and a note from the registrar to say that my vitamin D levels were too low and I needed to take a vitamin tablet once a week for five weeks to bring my levels back to what they should be.  The following day I got a phone call from my oncology nurse to check what prescriptions she had given me and to tell me that I'd be getting the port in on 20th November (tomorrow) and that I'd be starting chemo a week later on the 27th.

I will be glad to get started.
