My first few weeks

1 minute read time.

I had a big painful lump for a few weeks, and finally plucked up the carriage to see a doctor.

Had a mammogram at a local hospital a week later, then had a follow up appointment, After seeing the Dr, as there was a lump that he didn’t like the look of, after having three panic attacks and passing out, 3 biopsy’s and I wasn’t expecting that , the fear of not knowing went though me was unreal, while I waited for my results.

Back to the hospital for my results, I could see in the Dr face it was breast cancer, I was almost relieved to now what it was, we talked about treatments and what going to happen next, unfortunately for me I have a heart condition and can have a very bad reaction to anaesthetic!
My daughter who is a nurse ask about a block, my surgeon Dr has got a great sense of humour bless him, turned around and looked at my daughter and said , i could give her a block but I can’t see her staying  on the table.. after talking a bit more and given lots of things to read, we left for home.. l didn’t real hear much after that, it been just over a week and it real have hit home, the fear, the uncontrollable shaking, sleepless nights and the what if’s, I’m trying to stay strong for my family but I’m so scared on the inside. Everything is just overwhelming..  spoken to my Dr and she given me some tablets to help with anxiety.

So next step pre op clinic just before Xmas, which I already stressing about.. to be continued…..
