My journey with cancer

1 minute read time.

About two years ago I was struggling to eat, spoke to a GP who said it was indigestion, I knew it wasn’t as food wasn’t getting down to my stomach. The GP put me on indigestion tablets for two months. After the first month the pain on trying to eat was really intense. I went into the surgery and asked to see a doctor they said that the GP was on holiday (thank goodness). The doctor I saw throughly examined me and said he thought it was cancer, sent me off for tests, unfortunately they couldn’t get a camera down. Things kicked off from there, chemotherapy didn’t shrink it enough to operate on, I had more chemo which had an adverse effect on my body and I ended up in ICU, the good thing that came out of it was that it had shrunk the tumour enough to operate on. It’s been three months since my operation where they used part of my stomach to make a new oesophagus, I feel great, and can now eat anything! Small amounts but it tastes so good. I cannot fault the NHS and Southampton General Hospital for my care throughout.

So anyone out there going through similar keep strong and stay positive you can get through it.

  • Thank you for your story so far, it has helped. I am currently waiting for the results from the biopsies, CT scan and yesterday a PET CT, MDT meeting this Friday and I am expecting to be called in. very scared, but if it was not for the posts like yours I would be in a very dark place, but reading these has given me hope and to stay positive.  Like you my GP gave me pills, I managed to see an out of hours DR and I'm here, thanks to that DR and not my GP.

  • Thank you for your story I’ve been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and I’m about to start my first cycle of FLOT chemotherapy next week. It’s been a long time coming but now I’m getting scared about how the side effects of chemotherapy and how they’ll affect me 

    Best wishes for the future