Update Week 15: Chemo 75% Complete - The lull before the storm?

1 minute read time.
So this week has been a non-treatment week. A week to rebuild the strength and get the energy levels back up to face the 4th and final chemo cycle.
There have been some side effects to deal with; both armpits erupted with rashes very similar to aerosol burns, and sore mouth and swollen tongue (Thanks Chris for the tip on pineapples, they helped). Pineapple helps to keep your mouth healthy, it contains the enzyme Bromelain, which is a dietary supplement for reducing pain and swelling, especially of the nose and sinuses, gums, and other body parts after surgery or injury.
Midweek I went to meet a local Bladder Cancer Support Group. A very positive and supportive group of survivors, who are all at very different stages of recovery.
Today I am starting to focus beyond the next three weeks (Chemo Cycle 4) and getting back to the weights and exercise in anticipation of the life changing operation that I will be undertaking later in the year. A brisk walk into town, with the target of the bank to drop off some cash, then onto my favourite: Cafe-Ambience, for a large breakfast (building up my energy, just as the doctor ordered!).
Thoughts are also starting to focus on what comes after the operation. Not the pain and the recovery, but the journey forward ... Being the best person I can be, the charities that I want to support, the places I want to visit with my camera. I doubt that I will be picking up the camera much before the second part of the year, but I want to take things to a new level!
Highlight of the week: A full Beef Roast dinner - Just amazing!
An inspirational chat with an acquaintance who has released a new album this week!
Thank you for all of the amazing support and comments ... love the lot of you!
Keep strong, Keep Safe, Keep Healthy!
  • Sorry to hear about the side effects.It’s good that you are building up strength as that should help greatly with the recovery.I’m sure you will be about with your camera in no time.I found the first 3 weeks the toughest but I think you just have to accept some days will be better than others.I felt so much better after 3 months although it was 8 months before I was back working.Best wishes Jane

  • Thanks for sharing your journey so far. My husband has just been newly diagnosed and positivity is what we both need to read about now. I hope you’re feeling well.