Update week 13: Chemo cycle 3 - the start of the 75% phase

2 minute read time.

Back here again. The anxiety that builds during that 3rd week of a cycle when you have no treatment and focus on building your strength up again creates a palpable sense of dread that something will delay the next cycle!

Blood test first thing Monday, then along to have a socially distanced coffee with the Fit4Surgery team at The National Centre for Sport & Exercise Medicine. They were pleased to see me, and amazed how positive and cheerful I was ... and how good I was looking!!! I hide it well ... obviously!

Tuesday - Call from the Oncologist, we discuss the Filgrastim and the excruciating pain that I had in the small hours of Sunday morning that had me on the phone to the chemo unit in tears! We discussed the options and the benefits out way the side effects so I agree to have it again, this time with pain killers alongside to manage the pain. The white blood count is down to 3000 militers (it should be 4000+) We are going for it Chemo cycle 3 ... starting 75% of the planned treatment. My oncologist is going to also book the scan and Urologist appointment to discuss the next step!

Wednesday - One of the warmest days of the year and there are a lot of us sitting in the waiting area. No explanation, but it took 5 hours to get plugged into my treatment which is an hour and a half long! The problem with that is I take a double dose of steroids to fight the fatigue ... 5 hours late means it will floating around my body later than it should be. No Sleep for me tonight!

Highlight of the day: Homemade curry :-)

Thursday - My surgery sends me a text offering me a flu/covid jab on Oct 7th! I think I know the answer but I best check, I ring my Cancer support team. The answer is as I suspected No! Too much of a risk with a compromised immune system. Hugo is amazed at how positive and cheerful I am (this must be my new superpower) we chat, and I ask him how things play out after chemo is over! Scan to see if the chemo has worked, then a BIG, BIG Appointment - The urologist to discuss the next stage ... The Operation! I have to make a decision on which path to take that will effect the rest of my life ... IT IS MASSIVE, in the back of my head the decision is already made up (I pause to take a breathe and wipe away a tear or two), I will listen to his advice, and obviously take the recommended option ... Cancer and bladder free! Likely timeline - 6 weeks after chemo! The end of November.

I speak to my Dad on the phone, he is pleased to hear from me, he hasn't seen me since May, he might just get to see me at the end of October, beginning of November if I get myself to Swindon.

Thank you for all of the amazing support and comments ... love the lot of you!

Keep strong, Keep Safe, Keep Healthy!

  • Hello, I love a curry too! and cooking is a great way for me to do something constructive now I am signed off work (a primary school is just a bit too germy!) My first chemo course starts next Monday 

  • Morning Dignahtee, 

    Thank you for the comment, it is nice to get a response. What type of Cancer/Chemo are you dealing with? Please reach out if you have any questions, I am only too glad to help anyone that is on this journey.


  • Thank you. I have super glamorous cancer! its full name is; Ano-rectal junction poorly differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma. with secondaries in the groin lymph nodes. It has taken 16 scans and biopsies and 3 months to find the primary and get treatment started; my first symptom was the sudden appearance of a lump in my groin, otherwise I was a very healthy and active person Care and speed of one scan to the next has been good but the primary is really rather small and quite well hidden. I have also been told that these types of tumour do not always respond well to chemo. It's quite a tough prognosis. But my youth and really good fitness are on my side. Chemo is Xelox (or Capox) A drip and 14 days of tablets, fallow week and repeat three more times.   I am going for a baseline PET scan this afternoon