Update: Week 12: The Chemo cycle 2 complete - 50% of the total treatment complete!

1 minute read time.
This week is treatment free, and the focus is getting the body on track for blood tests on Monday to see if cycle 3 can be started.
The Filgrastim injections came with a massive bite last week. Late Saturday afternoon I had taken a nap, when I woke I had a mild pain in my lower back, by the evening that mild pain had escalated to something a lot worse. In the small hours of Saturday night/Sunday morning the pain was off the scale, and I was calling the chemo unit. 2.30am and it felt like my hips and pelvis had become isolated and the whole of the upper part of my body was balanced precariously. The pain was pulsing and I have a vague recollection of trying to convince the nurse that even if I was having chest pains, they wouldn't feel as bad as the pain radiating up my body.
Matt was awake, being a night owl, but I think pain is always isolated in the small hours of the morning. In the end pain killers saved the day, and I had avoided a blue lit trip to the LRI.
I think I have been fortunate, that has been the only bad side effect to date, and 50% of treatment is now complete.
Apart from that the rest of the week has been calm. I am starting to do the exercises again. I have even ventured out to my favourite Cafe Ambience, for an all day breakfast (careful to socially distance)
Highlight of the week
  • A full roast dinner, with Yorkshire pudding, Roasts and Veg, with trifle to follow
  • Erdinger - Non alcoholic beer
  • The comments, words of support and calls from friends - As always I am feeling the love! Thank you!
  • I have got this, and a lot of that is because I have your support.

Keep strong, Keep Safe, Keep Healthy
