My journey

3 minute read time.


I have had stomach pain on and off  for around 2/3 years now I have been to my doctor and hospital countless times and not got anywhere, they first thought it was my appendix but after bloods and ultrasound they said it’s not my appendix. So went back to my doctor who said it could be ibs so started medication for ibs and a diet plan when that didn’t work they tryed other medication and diet plans but all failed so they told me to go to hospital when I have pain and yet again went to hospital a few times it was always the same thing my appendix. They never did anything for it just sent me home and told me to go back if it gets worse or comes back. 
After about 2 years of messing around with hospitals and doctors k gave up. 
my symptoms changed about 6 months ago I was having constant pain also a change in bowel habits one time it was loose then normal and going to the toilet more often 6/7 times a day when I normally went 1 time a day. I noticed blood in my stool and I wasn’t eating much as I didn’t feel like eating I had bloating. Again went to my gp who wasn’t bothered about it all and said monitor it and if it’s no better in a few weeks time come back. So I waited nothing changed and about 2/3 months later I went back as I was bleeding a lot and was feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Saw a doctor who said she wasn’t consented about it and it’s normal apparently so I left it then about 5 weeks ago I went and talked about what I thought it would be (bowel cancer as I had all the symptoms) I was told I’m too ypung to get cancer as I’m 27 and if I had cancer I would be very ill so I argued back and said I’m not too young to get cancer yes it might be unlikely but no one is too young and as for me been I’ll cancer affects everyone differently I told them my grandma has terminal cancer and shes had chemo and radio therapy and she looks fine she wouldn’t do anything so the next day I rang and spoke to a doctor and demanded they do a fit test just to put my mind at rest the doctor said yes definitely we need to do one and the doctor who saw you yesterday should have done one. I did it and it came back at over 400 so I was referred to hospital under the 2week wait and had a colonoscopy done a few days later they took 10 biopsy’s and pictures I was told that the results should be back no later than 10 days after I rang my doctor all last week to ask for my results only to be told they weren’t back yet. I rang on Friday and they said yes there back they were back last week so I had a appointment only to be told they weren’t back I told the doctor that the receptionist told me they were and they were back last week she showed me the screen and said there’s nothing back only the colonoscopy report which I have got. She went mad with the receptionist she called her to her room and stood out side and had a right go at her. I have been told that they should be back next week so hopefully they will be back soon so I know what’s going on and the next steps. 
thank you for reading this. 

  • Hi Ben, I'm so sorry to hear of the very long journey that you have been on trying to get a diagnosis. I really think that age should no longer be associated with a certain cancer, we see it on the TV, young people being diagnosed with a supposed older persons diagnosis. I really hope that your results come through soon and that you know what you're dealing with. The waiting game is not great, i know. My journey is different as i have breast cancer, i had a mastectomy recently and await the results for treatment next month. I wish you all the best x

  • Hi Ben, I hope that your week hasn't been too difficult. I was sorry to hear your story but hopeful that things will work out for you. Good luck.

  • Hi 4everMe

    thank you for your message and I’m so sorry about what you have to deal with I can’t imagine how you feel. And yeh I agree that age should no longer be a issue with any cancer as you say there’s lots of young people getting a older person cancer so to speak. 
    but I doubt they will learn. I’m still waiting for my results been chasing them up for the last two weeks to be passed around like pass the parcel it’s been nearly 4 weeks since I had my colonoscopy. My doctor says no news is good news and it’s not cancer as if it was the biopsy results would be back by now. 
    I will keep you updated when I get my results. 
    And I hope everything goes well for you. 
    thank you 
