Witches cancer spell

Less than one minute read time.
  • Thought this would make you smileRoflRofl cancer spell

(Macbeth style)

Add poisons, toxins and all things nasty

Claw and devour cells

Give them a good blasty 

Cracked skin and hairless head

Food that tastes of lead

Mix constant pills and lotions

Enough to fill an ocean

Make her pee red,

So tired and can't get out of bed

Insert a PICC line in her arm,

 will do her no harm.

Regardless of weekly cleans,

With endless hospital routines,

When using this handy device,

Blood tests will become quite nice.

Two boobs become one,

Mish them, mash them, this will be fun.

Turn one heavy and lumpy,

Make it hard and frumpy

Leave the other soft and buffer,

Then give her chemo and watch her suffer.

Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble

We thought together we could burst her bubble.

Although she is strong and fights hard,

She is also scared and will be scarred. 

A long battle is still to be fought,

Sometimes crying she maybe caught.

With family and friends like you by her side,

She will ride out this terrible tide.

Through her smiles and hope

She has shown she can cope

(Please ignore any bad grammarStuck out tongue)
