My brain tumour story

Less than one minute read time.

I had an operation for oesophageal cancer in feb 2022, all was going well, eating , recovering, even started back at work after 6 months off , then in September I noticed a tingling in my left forefinger, this gradually got worse over a number of weeks and spread to my thumb an index finger, my left hand started feeling numb and cold.

I went to docs and he. Referred me for nerve checks , then nov 10th I had a seizure and went to hospital where I was diagnosed with a 16mm long tumour on the rh side of me brain.

short story, I had gamma knife treatment and put on steroids, and told come back in 3 months (feb 23) for a scan to see how it’s going, I’ve recently had a scan and there is necrosis of the tumour. My hand is much the same although very slightly improving maybe?

has anyone else been through this, I’m asking if my hand will be like this forever, I know there’s no yes or no answer but was wondering if anyone else has been down this road before and how did they go on
