TV chat on PC

Less than one minute read time.

On 23 3 23  i got an appt with oncology which is a 60 mile round trip.

I wanted to know what was causing pain in my rear end when sitting down.

Went to the triage dept only to have my blood pressue taken and a sample checked.

The nurse said I had another urine infection and was sent home with antibiotics.


STV current affairs same night did a half hour programme on PC..Scotland has a terrible record on illness.

Fred MacAuley the comedian spoke about it and there was someone from Prostaate charity.

They were saying importance of a PSA many drs do them when you are concerned?  It is a nurse tht does a blood test in my surgery so not taking up a GPs time.

2 friends of mine went to get PSA checked after my diagnosis and drs said 'why'? 

Both pushed for it and am glad they are ok.
