No faith in drs

1 minute read time.

Just before covid I had trouble urinating and dr tested me for a urine anti biotics and catheter.

Since my brother had hodgkins then prostate cancer and now lung cancer I pressed my GP on PC but he kept saying I did not have symptons.  Even one morning with blood in my urine he dismissed me when I asked.  His diagnosis was that as I had no pain in my back or down the front of my legs, then I could not have PC.  Covid came and nothing really happened until that settled down.

I have never been seriously ill in y life until 60s but these were jusst high blood pressure and weight management.

There was never any word of a blood test.

Only when pushing to see Urology did things unravel..

This dept said that something 'wasnt right' and their consultant told me to get a blood test asap.  My PSA was v high and like everyone else in this forum got the scans and biopsies.    The result of the scans were sent to my GP and no one in the practice told me about the results. I got my news from a nurse in Urology who thought I had been told.  He was vg but you can't take it all in what they are trying to tell you.  He said that his goal was to do his best to give me a few extra years.

From reading other posts there seems to be a standard list of pills you are given.  Touch wood I have not had any bad reaction to any of them.  The only side effect to the ENZ tablet is edema picked up by a podiatrist. I had to go privately to get this checked but the problem is slight and only in one foot.
