In the beginning

1 minute read time.

Not sure if I have my history is correct as I hated history...but I  believe Churchill referred to his depression as his black dog, following him around everywhere.

Well, my black dog is advance PC.

I do feel bitter in some ways that during my life I did everything to keep healthy with what I ate and took regular exercise etc.  I never smoked-could not afford to,  and only had an odd drink on a night out  Was always an outdoor person and loved tramping through the hills.  Travelled all over Canada and USA then ventured to explore China. Had plans to go to Japan,Australia and New Zealand.

However, after I was diagnosed the specialist came to the conclusion that the males in my family carry the cancer gene.

I do not understand why my parents; never had cancer or their siblings except 1 male who had been a heavy smoker.  You never heard much of their generation having this disease.  So why this generation?   Is it chemicals in food or something in water or enviromental.  I heard of a young man of 29 who is super fit took unwell and he has cnacer right through his body.  So unfair.

Children can have cancer. Women get breast cancer and after reading things on this site there are so many cancers that affect people.

My brother had hodgkins and they caught it before the disease went ot his heart. They gave him 18 months and 20 years on, still here. Now he has his wee brother to look after.   His wife got breast cancer and went downhill quickly and died in her early 50s.  Another friend had breast cancer then it turned up in her knee joints  She lost her husband: he was given 6 weeks to live after diagnosis-again drs saying he just had a sore back.
