December 2021 Oncologist

1 minute read time.

Since the surgical team have discharged me I’ve been referred to Oncology for what I call the “mopping up operation “. That is, treatments designed to reduce my risk of recurrence.

Blood tests confirmed that despite my age, I am still pre-menopausal and still have a cycle. So I’m on Tamoxifen to reduce my oestrogen levels - my cancer was fed by oestrogen so this will reduce the risk of further oestrogen-fed cancers. I’ve had a week of Tamoxifen and all I’ve noticed is that my fatigue is as bad as ever and I keep wanting to burst into tears. But given I’m still in recovery from my second really big operation, under 5 weeks ago, I’m not sure we can blame the Tamoxifen.

Ive also been recommended radiotherapy. To avoid further damage to my lungs (I’ve a history of chest problems), whilst still getting the benefit of radiotherapy, they’re just going to treat half of my remaining left breast. The other breast was removed and as the lymph nodes were clear, there’s very little risk of recurrence on that side. And extra bonus - they’ve been researching the effect of higher radiation doses for less time, and I’m a good candidate so I’ll get 5 days of treatment in January.

Yesterday I went for my planning CT, where they tattooed some tiny dots on me to line up the machine, while I practiced laying with my arms over my head. My mood was surprisingly light and the staff friendly and chatty. I’m not going to miss cancer treatment but I am going to miss the non judgemental support I’ve had. Radiotherapy is in January so no more cancer appointments for now. I’m seeing the plastic surgeon in February, when the plan is for them to fill my expander.
