2 years on

1 minute read time.

I didn’t realise that it is almost a year since I added anything. This past year has been so weird for everyone. I’ve been so preoccupied with self isolating that haven’t had time to worry about anything else. Being classed as extremely vulnerable has made me realise that cancer doesn’t ever really go away but hopefully remission can go on indefinitely. I have now had both my vaccinations and do feel life is starting to return to normal. My lovely husband has had some heart issues which have been my main priority. Thankfully new medication seem to be working. As for me my CLL, my blood test results were good in December, The white cell count just a bit high but red count good. Due to Covid my annual breast check has been delayed since December which has worried me. I am having a mammogram next week and although there are no outward signs that anything is wrong I am getting increasingly worried about it. Is this normal or am I being paranoid about it? I do try distracting myself and we are making future plans but still these negative thoughts raise their ugly head. I think I need to try some mindfulness techniques and also write this blog regularly as it does help put things into perspective. 
