Another day closer

1 minute read time.

Mum has gone with dad for the night to Winchester, he has some work to do in Adover so she thought she would go with him and just potter around doing "bits"

she said she was feeling better today, and the sickness and loose stools has passed again, so definatley food related!

I googled diet and this Nuroendocrine carcinoma watched a presentation on how and what to eat so scribbled it all down to pass onto mum, was some very interesting facts that came up! so hoping a good shake up in her diet will help her.

She has now lost a 1st 7lb so is actually losing weight now which is scary if I am honest makes it all more of a reality no denial something is going on, so I really hope that the scan shows something and she can have some sort of treatment to slow this thing down or just stop it for a few more years!

I know I must not be greedy I know the diagnnosis from a few months ago was far worse, but its human nature to always want more? want her to see my chidlren grow up, see my sister hopefully get married, have a child? she is still my mummy and I dont want her to go anywhere for a long time yet! i thought she would be like her mum and be an old batalax :)

Mum still wants to look after my daugher too, she was supposed to be retiring to look after her while I went to work, I would like her too, but also do not want her to feel tired? maybe compremise 1.5 days? least then she gets to see my daughter and then rest the rest of the time?

Or maybe no plans to  be made until we get the results of the scans? all treatment dependant? I have booked a childminder anyway when all this kicked off

anyway 3 days and counting till scan day! and I have a radioactive mum! lol keep telling her she will be like hulk! and then the results the follwoing week! hopefully we will FINALY get some sort of plan!

Enough of my rambles now! if you read this well done ;)

  • FormerMember

    Dear Nes5ie

    On the subject of food and diet during active cancer or for preventing it, I highly recommend a world best seller "Your Like in Your Hands" by Professor Jane Plant. This is my Bible along with a couple more of her books. I went to see Jane at the Imperial college in London on 14th July. A truly amazing lady who
    has been through cancer 5 times and was told she only had approx 3 months to live, that was over 12 years ago.

    Read her story, the true facts and stats she has collected. I bought her books off Amazon. This is just my own personal tip.

    Best wishes