PostChemo day 2

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My had her chemo on Monday and other than a slight mix up with the steroids she had taken everything went well. Her partner stayed with her most of the day and me and my sisters took shifts just to visit and check in on her, didn't want her feeling like she was over crowded. She had a really lovely nurse call Laura looking after her and got the joys of hearing the side effects of the chemo. Although better to hear them I guess than have to live through them. Fingers crossed she won't get any of them. She did say that the worse thing is because of the amount of fluid she had to take before and after she'll feeling like the Michelin man and her joints of hurting, she's phone the hospital and they are getting her to keep an eye on it. So so far so good, I know the next few days will be harder when the steroids wear off and she feels more of the effects but she's still positive! xx