
1 minute read time.

My name is Emma, i am from a large/close family. In october last year we found out that my mum has pertioneal and lung cancer. They said they could not do surgery only offer chemotherapy which could give my mum 9-12months. She has had all of her chemo now, and steadily getting her hair back.

She has just had 12 litres of fluid drained from her stomach (which builds up to a bump like she's having twins) which makes her severely uncomfortable and prevents her from eating properly. She looks so thin and fraile. Instead of her looking stronger she looks weaker than ever, am i getting more scared. I hoped that after her chemo she would get stronger and we could do bucket list type of things together but i dont think we will get the chance,

I am only 22 and not ready to loose my mother. I am 1 of three sisters- eldest already married and my other getting married in july. My mother wont get the chance to see me get married.

Before my mum got diagnosed her and my dad were planning on seeing the world and travelling after finally being free of us kids and coming into some money! its so unfair.

The same sort of thing happened to my uncle -same ages-- he had lung cancer which spread to his brain- he worked hard all of his life- scrimped and saved and when it came to retirement age- when he could finally sit back and relax and enjoy his life savings he was diagnosed and died a year later.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma im so sorry about your  Mum. When you say peritoneal and lung do you mean peritoneal cancer that has spread to her lungs? that is exactly how my mum was in 2007. if you read my profile we were in the same situation.However my mum had 3 yrs in remission after chemo.True my Mum lost 3 stone ut on a larger lady it wasnt so obvious.Have the doctors said if the chemo worked as expected.My Mum is back on chemo now as the cancer came back so i know how you feel we are not even sure if my mum will respond this time its heartbreaking isnt it .I hope your Mum defies the odds like mine did and enjoys a period of remission take care Paula xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emma im so sorry about your  Mum. When you say peritoneal and lung do you mean peritoneal cancer that has spread to her lungs? that is exactly how my mum was in 2007. if you read my profile we were in the same situation.However my mum had 3 yrs in remission after chemo.True my Mum lost 3 stone ut on a larger lady it wasnt so obvious.Have the doctors said if the chemo worked as expected.My Mum is back on chemo now as the cancer came back so i know how you feel we are not even sure if my mum will respond this time its heartbreaking isnt it .I hope your Mum defies the odds like mine did and enjoys a period of remission take care Paula xxx