mum lung cancer

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  • FormerMember

    oh yeh what i meant to write is mum said on the phone yesterday thaat she is geeling realy tired and her cough is getting worse . does this mean her cancer is getting worse i don't want to watch her die im scared

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy.How far from your Mum are you? It could just be an infection,I wouldnt like to say.Who is looking after her? Probably best that she gets the GP out to examine her.What support do you have Tracy? Many HUGS for you xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    Only me.

    Fear is understandable, I know exactly what you mean (as you know) it is hard, gut wrenchingly so. However we both know you will do what you can to help your mum.

    I wont lie to you the journey is hard, heartbreaking and thoroughly hateful.  The alternative of not being there with her for this is so much worse. 

    I promise to be here for you if you want to rant rave or just cry on a virtual shoulder.

    PM me if there is anything you would like to ask.

    Sending you hugs, strength and bestwishes

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    It may mean that but it may well not. My dad got pneumonia just after he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and we were sure that this was it and the cancer was finishing him off. A trip to A&E, 3 days of IV antibiotics and he was back home feeling much much better. It could also be a fungal lung infection, they're apparently fairly common, he had one fo those too, towards the end. Don't assume anything, get your mum to contact her hospital or GP to get it checked out, it might be much less serious that she's thinking and not cancer related at all! Take care and I hope she feels better soon, love Vikki x