Aug 2023 - end of treatment

1 minute read time.

After a full set of scan - PET, MRI head+neck, Brain MRI we finally had that meeting with the consultant.

We've tried everything and it's not worked.

There were no tears initially, we could see the new lumps that told us treatment was not working, before the PET scan.

The experimental treatment mentioned last month was not working for his other patient, and no longer seemed worth pushing for.

My husband's sinonasal mucosal melanoma recurrence had spread far and wide, and was continuing to grow. By mid August it was in the right side of his face and neck (again, despite apparently successful radiotherapy there in May), subcutaneous masses from shoulder to legs, bones, liver and stomach.

He was told he had "weeks or short months" to live, and probably wouldn't make it to October.

So our transfer began, from the treatment team and consultant, to our local hospice and GP. Too many phonecalls, filling people in on 30months of treatment.

On the day he told our teenage boys, there were tears. Then a calm set in.

It now feels like we are sitting around at home, just waiting for him to die. He has rapidly become bedbound and is only awake in short bursts. Sleep a blessed relief from feeling restricted and in pain.

I don't want to talk about it now - I just want it to end peacefully and soon, even though I fear the future without my soulmate of 35years.
