Me, Mum and Nan

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Hello I'm a 22 year old girl who is normally happy and easy going. My Nan died in Feb 09 from lung cancer and my Mum followed soon after in dec of the same year although I was very upset to begin with I manged to get on the best I could. However it now all seems to be catching up with me and the past 3  months I have been very upset on nearly a daily basis it is becoming differcult to do my job and I feel I'm putting alot of pressure on my partner who was present at both relatives deaths. I'm not sure where to go from here.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Reagan,

    First step, if you haven't already done so, is to visit your doctor.  You are showing signs of depression which the doctor will be able to help with and perhaps some counselling would be helpful.  Are you eating properly? - cooking fresh food and eating lots of vegetables and fruit.  Exercise helps depression.

    Apart from your family, there is all the negative news in the papers, on the tv - that doesn't help.  Running a full time job and a home is not easy, especially if you have to go far for work or the fear you might lose your job with all the cuts going on.

    You are coming up to the anniversary of Mum's death - that combined with Christmas can make one feel very down.  I missed not being able to pick up the phone and sharing something on the spur of the moment.

    Putting on my thinking hat - do you have a neighbour who perhaps cannot get out like they used to who you could "adopt" and you could help each other?


    Jan xx