Mike Dowding

  • follow up to rubbish day


    Went to the Oncology day procedures ward on the Friday and spent the day there then was transferred to the infectious diseases ward and kept in for tests. At first they thought it was just side effects from the chemo.Eventually on the Tuesday they managed to identify that I had picked the Campilobacter virus on top of the side effects!  Wonderful, doctor and nurses!! I can't praise Heartlands staff enough. was discharged…

  • Rubbish day!


    Definitely not a good few days. Got disonnected from seesion 3 on Sunday. Sinve then 3 days of hiccoughs, four days of diarrhoea, two day of not being ablee to face any solid food, managed it twice but ir came out faster then it went in! Stomach is very painful. Do I go to A&E or put up with it til Mon when I do the line and bloods?Neve could make deecisions!

  • Sunday, sunday!


    Oh well - been up since 4:30 but feeling OK with absolutely no side effects so far from third cycle of chemo! Wonder ful isn't it? - last two times had four days of hiccoughs and diarrhoea on second. Doctor gives me drugs for both and they don't happen. Sod's law I suppose! Now to decide how to time phoning hospital ward to get disconnected from infusion of 5FU and how to fit it in with cooking Sunday lunch. - too late…

  • Sunday disconnect


    Oh well, that's my Sunday confused. Because of a minor problem earlier in the week had to go for my 3rd cycle today meaning that I get disconnected from the "condom in a bottle" (nurses comment, not mine) on Sunday. Need to plan Sunday lunch to be a moveab;e feast!

  • good week bad week


    after a good week las week started to have diarrhoea on Sat at midnight. Still ongoing so chemo postponed to Friday and seeing Dr tomorrow. Think this is because no prescription on system to deal with it. Bloods show no infection.