Yippee - I think!

Less than one minute read time.

Just got back from seeing the cancer support nursea t the hospital and she told me my markers were down from 17000 to 2000, so the chemo seems to be having an effect.  She is going to book a CT scan for the next 3 - 4 weeks so hopefully that will confirm th marker count and I can find out where I go from there.Although Ialready know that I have at least another 7 chemos to go as she tells me I am scheduled for 12.  If the rest go in the way the first 5 have, I think I can cope.

Anyway there isn't much choice if I want to extend my life and get as much done as I can.

  • FormerMember

    The word is definitely YIPPEE! Its great news they have come down with a significant drop!

    All the best with the rest of your treatment!

    Love Julie xx.

  • FormerMember

    thanks Julie, feeling positive at the moment. The nurse rang later and said the doctor had decided a scan was not needed in view of the level so hope that's good news. Now to get through the remaining 7 chemos and hoping they go as well - definitley going for a minus score lol!