mesothelioma the dreadfull disease

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its monday again my husband is still in bed he has had one session of chemo of cisplatin and pemetrexed since then he can hardly get out of bed his fatigue is dreadfull and he has only just started eating i wonder if there is anyone out there who has had the same experience i think iwas epecting some sort of miracle hoping he would have a lot more energy must go i can hear him geting up thank you

  • FormerMember

    My partner went through this last year, the fatigue is terrible and whilst we were sort of prepared for the nausea but the extreme levels of fatigue did take us by surprise, some days it was a struggle for him to get down the stairs and many days were spent on the sofa watching old black and white films.

    However, it was variable and some days were a lot better and we were able to go for walks and accomplish quite a bit. There are good days - hard through it is to imagine

    wishing you all the best.

    I did write a blog that was a diary of the time on chemo between March and July last year, good and bad days, so not sure if that might help

    the link is


    there is also a good blog that details chemo by mavis , that is under rayandmave.wordpress


    good luck

  • FormerMember

    my dad has mesethilioma and it's a dreadful desease, he isn't strong enough for chemo and is on his second blood transfusion, does anyone have any suggestions on how to cope best with the emotions?

  • FormerMember

    do you meen your emotions or your dads, my husband was terribly depressed for two weeks and i could not see a light at the end of the tunne. unfortunatly they have to deal with it in their own way as hard as it is to watch i know you probably feel helpless but just be there for him.

    good luck