mesothelioma cancer

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HI fellow sufferers.

i am a first timer so please be gentle with me.

Back in 2011 having been diagnosed with a mesothelioma cancer on my chest, I had 3 ribs removed and replaced with titanium (aren't i lucky ) Along with that a titanium chest plate was fitted to make me even more valuable.

I was told that having thrown it all away that was that and to get on with life. (as if )

But after visiting my consultant recently i was told that I was doing quite well as these things often return.

You can imagine my horror -- and i just need someone to share my feelings with at the moment as it has left me a bit sad.

Thats about it folks.


  • FormerMember
    Hello Ewar, I sympathise with you. When I saw my consultant I was hoping to be told everything gone, off you go and have a nice life! And yes, as if! Have come across something he is not quite sure about so have to go through biopsy again. Like you horrified, sad and upset. We carry on with our every day lives holding this fear in that the cancer may or may not return. I laugh at things on the telly and then i remember, and feel sad again. I chat with my daughter about school, and then remember and feel sad again! We can't let this fear beat us though. We must fight the good fight and remain positive. We have our friends and family around us and lots of love and support from them. I wish you well and send you strength for the future x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Ewar,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm glad that you are doing well, but sorry to hear what the consultant said about the cancer's possible return. It's understandable that it was a shock and has left you feeling sad.

    I hope that it has helped a little bit to share your feelings here on the site. As well as blogging, you may also want to try joining and posting in some groups that are relevant to you, to find others going through similar experiences. For example, we have a mesothelioma group and a life after cancer group.

    We also have some information over on the main Macmillan website about your feelings after cancer treatment.

    If you need to talk, our Support Line team is still here for you after treatment on freephone 0808 808 0000 (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm).

  • FormerMember

    Hi Guys or gals ( whatever)

    Thanks for replies nice to know you lot are out there fighting the fight.

    Yes you are right Miss Sparkle, we do have our friends and family buy naturally they can't really know how we feel, its not a nice feeling and is with us all the time but hey ho carry on.

    It leaves me feeling shaky sometimes, perhaps its the fear of discovering the dreaded lump but mustn't be sad even if we want to cry must push on.

    So thank you all for your replies they strengthen me a lot.

    Ta tar for now.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Miss Sparkle.

    Really sorry to hear that you require a biopsy. Lets hope that it is nothing but naturally it is disturbing knowing that you have to go through all the palaver.

    I wish you all the very best in the world and will keep in touch through these blogs.

    Soldier on Girl.
