Week 1 Day 3 Of Chemo –Another very quiet day although we did get out in the fresh air.

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  • FormerMember

    Hello there hope your dealing with your chemo ok,had treatment myself yrs ago and radio.think its travel and the waiting around before it starts that makes you feel more tired can sometimes also be a very long day.does someone go there with you?hope you dont mind me asking its just its nice to have company to go with you even though you meet some lovely people.hope to talk soon and take care

  • FormerMember

    Hello there hope your dealing with your chemo ok,had treatment myself yrs ago and radio.think its travel and the waiting around before it starts that makes you feel more tired can sometimes also be a very long day.does someone go there with you?hope you dont mind me asking its just its nice to have company to go with you even though you meet some lovely people.hope to talk soon and take care