The start

2 minute read time.

My husband was admitted to hospital three weeks ago after suffering from a cough that he had had for 4 wks. I made an appointment for the GP who prescribed him some antibiotics and asked him to go to the walk in x-ray clinic.

After the x-ray, the radiographer followed him out and said we had to go straight to A & E because there was fluid on his lung. In A & E we saw the doctor who asked him if he had ever been in contact with asbestos. Neither of us could think of of any contact. I saw the x-ray and realised that his right lung cavity was almost full of fluid. I had seen pleural effusions before having been a senior staff nurse on a medical ward.He was admitted immediately.

That was on the Saturday. They did an ultrasound and on the Tuesday morning they drained one and a half litres of fluid off and said that he could go home and come back the following week for a thorocoscopy and pleural drainage.

He went in the following Thursday evening and a drain was put in and 5 litres was drained off straight away. They also did a pleurodesis. A following 3 litres drained and they took the drain out on the Tuesday. when the consultant saw him, she said the results were inconclusive and we would receive an appointment to go back and see her. I didn't beleive her.

This Wednesday we went for the appointment and I knew it wasn't good news when there was  a respiratory nurse sitting in with the consultant.

Mesothelioma, my worst fear. Then came the folder with all the Mesothelioma information. Then came the folder with all the information on Mesothelioma. They have asked him if he would like to take part in a radiotherapy trial on the drain wound site. He is not keen. The Oncologist said that there is no proof as yet that it is beneficial. I don't know what to think.

He is quite matter of fact... on the surface and is determined that he has years to live. I hope so.

I feel utterly shellshocked and it is so hard to carry on as normal. The tears flow when I'm alone and I'm sure he is trying to pretend that he is OK.

He keeps saying that it's not fair, but not for himself, for me. I have told him that he doesn't have to be sorry and we will get through this together.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Les,

    Welcome to the site none of us wanted to join, but here you will get support from people who understand what you are going through.

    I remember the shock when my daughter in law was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of 39, and my heart goes out to you.

    Your husband is very lucky to have you for a wife; we men are not good at looking after ourselves.

    I wish you well on your journey, and come back to the site often where you will find good support.

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Colin, for your good wishes.

    We have to go and see the Oncologist tomorrow, so hopefully we will get to know a bit more about treatment etc.

    I am so sorry to hear of your daughter in law. It must have been a terrible time for you and your family. My best wishes to you all.


  • FormerMember

    We saw the Oncologist yesterday. Hubby had another x-ray which showed that some of the fluid had returned, but only a small amount. It isn't compromising his breathing, so they will leave it alone.

    First chemo session using Pemetrexed and Cisplatin is on the 25th with pre-asessment on the 22nd and next week, he will have one session of radiotherapy to the site where they had put in the chest drain.

    They asked him to take part in the trial to see whether it was better to have 3 sessions of radiotherapy or none at all... he declined and said if he seemed selfish, he was sorry and said he would like to have just the one session as there was no proof that it was beneficial to have three. His choice, which I respect.

  • FormerMember

    Dear les.....ive only just joined this site as like you my hubby has just been told he has advanced testicular cancer at looks like we are 2 wives in the same boat...hope all goes well on the 25th....will be thinking of you..take care x


  • FormerMember

    Well, hubby has had his first chemo on Thursday. All went well and he felt fine and the same the day after. Saturday it hit him. He felt sick and and had some abdominal discomfort. He was pretty wiped out. Same yesterday and this morning.

    He has had the anti sickness tablets with little effect. I hope this doesn't last too long. I hate to see him like this.

    Lizzieann, thank you for your message. I'm sorry to hear about your hubby. My thoughts are with you. Life can be very cruel, but we just have to make the best of the time we have left with our loved ones, however long that may be. Cherish every moment as I have been told.