Scared and lost

1 minute read time.

Today i'm feeling a bit stronger about the shock news the family recieved on monday - that my mum has only weeks left. I have a great support network with close friends and family but i feel numb all the time. I am less tearful today but I lack any motivation to do anything and I keep drifting off and staring into space and can take me a while to 'snap out of it'

My mum is very pratical and had already started organising how she wants her funeral and what songs we think represent our time together that can be played, im not strong enough to think about this yet and im dreading next week. She wants to go through her jewelry and clothes and seperate into piles of what I would like and what to take to charity shops etc it all just feels so wrong and so quick as 2 weeks aho she had a MRI scan and it was all clear and now all of a sudden they say there is nothing else they can do to save her.

My mum is my best friend and the thought of continuing the rest of my life without her makes me feel sick, i am only 23 and her not been at my wedding or seeing her first granchild scared me more than i can say.

I am hoping that I can stay strong for her and enjoy the rest of our time together to the full, she says she has no regrets and that her and my dad have lived an amazing life together but im scared the closer i get to her in the nest few weeks will only make it harder when the day comes.

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear your news, I have just gone through the same thing, my mum was diagnosed in May this year and died on july 23rd,I  still have the funeral to get through next week. In those 2 months that we knew about her condition we got closer that we ever had been before. Mum couldnt understand why she was told she was going to die but felt unbelievebly happy, She then told me it was because I was with her all the time, I was at the hospital all day on my days off and all evenings on the days that I worked, We talked about things we had never spoken of before. I feel lucky that we had the time to tell each other how we truly felt. Obviously we shared many tears but we also had many great days where we just sat and talked and laughed. I was told on a few occasions that my mum would not make it through the day/night, but she proved them wrong and went on for a few more weeks. I will never forget those last couple of months with my mum, and just hope that they can help me heal. Just go with your feelings. Hugs to you xx