Its all happening too quickly

2 minute read time.

I need time to stop. Or at least slow down just a little, i feel that my time with my mum is passing me by and i panic with how little time we have left now.

Things are definatly getting worse every week, if not every day. My mum lost use of her legs a few weeks ago and is now practically bed-bound, we have been sent a hospital bed, wheelchair and commode etc for her but it doesnt seem enough and my dad is really struggling. The worst thing is he wont accept help and i know that he needs it but he is pushing people away saying he can handle it when really he is desperate for a couple of hours break. I know that he is scared too and that he wants mum to be as comforatble as possible and have the best care but he took a day showing me how to care for her if he is not there but he is always there and wont let me put into practice what he showed me. I want to help i just dont know how to make him let me and make him understand he doesnt have to do it all himself.

Everyone (nurses, docs etc) were still very calm after this happened and said that as long as she was still eating well then we needn't worry - she is no longer eating well so therefore i think i need to worry?! she has no appetitie at all anymore and only eats because we make her.

After her legs went they tried radiotherapy for her to at least get some feeling back into them or maybe even make it possible for her to weight bare so she could at least transfer herself from bed to wheelchair and although some feeling has returned it has slackened the muscles in her neck and she is now unable to swallow so we have a speech and language nurse coming to try teach her how to swalloow again. It feels like every action we try take for her to feel better has an opposite negative reaction and something else goes wrong or she ends up in agonising pain after the radiotherapy that they say will not prolong her life or make the tumours disappear but will just 'help' i dont see it helping.

Im scared everything is changing so quickly and every visit i am shocked at how different and weak she is, it is like she has aged 30 years in 4 weeks ( as she tries to hide the extent of it when we talk on the phone) i just want her to be pain free and happy and i know this is a huge thing to ask but i just want things to be normal even just for a day when we can be carefree and worry free family.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mel,

    Your Dad sounds a stubborn man.  Why do you try and take him to the one side and explain that he dosent have to do it by himsel,that you are only too willing to help if he would let you. He definately needs a break or he will end up ill himself, and then he will be of no use to anyone.

    I wish I could give you your painfree and carefree day. Im sorry I cant.  I hope your Dad sees sense.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Higs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    He is a very stubbon man! He did call a family conference as said he needed help and he let my aunty look after my mum for 1 night when he went to watch the football, that was 2 weeks ago and he hasnt accepted help since. I keep trying to talk to him but i just cant seem to get through i am definalty going to keep trying though and hopefully will get through to him soon!


    Mel xx

  • FormerMember


    I'm so sorry you feel powerless. Just a suggestion and you can tell me I'm wrong I wont mind.  Perhaps he would let you help more if you told him how important it is for you to feel that you can help more with the care of your mum.

    Hugs and best wishes

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mel

    I was thinking the same as Helen if he thought you wanted to help because you needed to for yourself he might let you.

    My mum unfortunately died in january and although my dad didn`t leave her alone for long we all helped out and it has helped me to deal with it to think I was some help to her at the end. Obviously I don`t know your dad but I know with mine he just felt he was her husband and it was his job to look after her when he did go out he would do what he needed and come straight back. I don`t know whether he will let you but we would stay at the house with my dad and help just so he had some back up there. Also we had district nurses coming in who were absolutely fantastic.Thinkinf of you at this difficult time x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your advice i did speak to him about it and said i needed and wanted to help not just for him but for me too and i think it worked, he is definatly letting me do more, it is only little things but i think baby steps are the best approach here. I think he wants to protect me from the things he has to deal with and doesnt want me to see my mum like that but im going to keep trying and hopefully he will let me help more and take some of the pressure from him.

    Thank you

    Mel xx