Fat and Fed up!!!

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Well not sure why i am here today, got the dreaded words delivered in December 2010, yes you have breast cancer, this is what we are going to do.......blah blah blah, now 6 months on, chemo finished, just starting radiotherapy and i can finally say I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!

Hair loss, mouth ulcers, weight gain, all such a rude interuption to my usually very organised life, but why has it hit me know and i feel that i really can;t cope with this anymore, so close to the end of treatment but my patience has finally run out?  Is this normal/shock????

Have arranged to get counselling but a waiting list as expected....  I just want to be back to normal with clothes that are not tight all the time... vain i know but thats me..... HELP????

  • FormerMember

    In my opinion - I would say perfectly normal. You have probably coped really well, but in pulling off the outward show of being strong - something has to give. You will cope, so what if everything is getting to you? You are allowed to be fed up and feel like you've had enough. Don't be hard on yourself, you are nearly there. Scream, shout, rant on here til you get it all out, then pick yourself up and carry on - because you can do it!


    Best wishes and well deserved hugs

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    Well done you!  You made it so far, you will make it to the end!  I felt just like you: fed up AFTER my treatment - you are not alone!  

    ((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))

    All the very best

    Georgia X

  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to echo the above-the end of chemo is a bit of an anti-climax after longing for that day.  You should start seeing the shoots of hair within a few weeks.  Don't worry about the weight gain - once you're back to a "normal" routine of activity it'll come off without too much effort.  And pat yourself on the back - that's a big deal you've achieved!

    Cat x

  • FormerMember

    You are entitled to feel fat and fed up after the fight you have had - unfortunately, normal is something we will never have after such an interruption to our lives.  I am fat too and feel like a freak with only one boob but, hey, don't beat yourself up any more than the illness already has.  As women we seem to always need to fulfil this 'perfect' ideal.  Well, you are perfect in every way and perfectly normal, you've just had a crap time and its time to take time out and lick your wounds for a while.  You'll get through, you have to.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jan,

    Ann says it all,you have been through a lot.you have a right to feel whatever. Im a man thank heaven and cant even begin to think how women cope with Cancer. I can only

    wish you all the best in the future. Look we are all human and the one thing we cant do is let Cancer beat any of us without one hell of a FIGHT.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx