Treatment Days 8 & 9

1 minute read time.

Day 8 continued

I am now a baldie! Pauline & I managed a real belly laugh or three getting to this stage, it felt really good to laugh like that. My only concern is that I now look frighteningly like my avatar. Went shopping for a few bits and then off to a couple of Pauline's favourite fabric shops for her patchworking supplies. Back home as (Martin) one of her work colleagues was calling round with his 3 year old. He expressed sympathy for our condition then told me "well at least you'll get some time of work". TW@T! Settled down for an evening together & all going comfortably apart from I couldn't get settled temperature wise, either cold or too hot then about 11:00 got really hot. Pauline took my temperature it was 38 so she called the cancer ward for advice. Bloody great, ended up back in hospital with a needle in my arm again this time for I.V. antibiotics.

Day 9

Nothing to say really, spent best part of the day in hospital. Had a lecture about the need to rest after chemo. Got released late afternoon & more or less have spent what was left of the day vegetating. Am fed up.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave. Just to say I hope that you are bearing up after your recent ordeal - and not giving your wife or nurses any hassle ! Yes, as they said, you have to rest so enjoy a good book :) Take care and best wishes. Love, Joycee xx