Treatment Days 5,6,7 & into day 8

2 minute read time.


What a bloody awful day, woke up with a headache which just got worse and worse, just felt so unwell, was truly miserable, could hardly eat, couldn't even be ar**d to drink really, When Pauline came in to visit got her to phone my girls up & tell them not to come and visit. When I look back on it now think I just spent the day feeling sorry for myself.


Unsettled night but awake about 4.30 & headache more or less gone, generally feeling much better, don't know if the fact I'm going home today has anything to do with it :). 5:30 bath & shave etc, enjoyed the soak, very relaxing, mind you am looking forward to having a bath where I can have both arms in the water rather than one having to hang over the edge of the bath. Went & stretched out on the bed & read a book till break fast arrived, managed 2 slices of toast. Then waiting for the 4th & last bag of chemo to finish, know it's daft but every look at that bag it made me feel sick. 9:25 chemo finished & a 2hour flush started. Flush actually felt pleasant (how wierd is that?) Lovely lovely nurse, at 11:10 she bought her little tray in & left it on the table so that when the flush finished she could get that bloody needle out straight away. All my medication to go home sorted for me & I've had my instructions. 11.35 FREEDOM!!! I'm dressed, Pauline is here. Quick goodbyes now lets go home. Sat on my own sofa, had a cuddle then FELL ASLEEP again. Woke up & had a really nice fresh salad, before my youngest (Lisa) arrived with a strawberry flan she'd made with freshly picked fruit. I'm being spoilt. Really didn't do anything else, had some more salad then bed. My own bed.


My mouth feels strange, tongue feels swollen & tingly but numb all at the same time, gums very sensitive, doesn't actually feel sore but I've a feeling it may get that way. Brushing of teeth was a bit of a trial, I always use an ultrasonic toothbrush & sensodyne toothpaste which I've always considered gentle but it felt like a wire brush with vinegar. Went & filled the bird feeders, did a little pruning & tidying & felt absolutely knackered so sat on sofa till district nurse arrived to use me as dart practice, never had injection in the tum before but was ok. She told me I have a fungal infection in my mouth & sorted out a prescription for me. Didn't do much else but Christina bought my 3 grandchildren round & we had a grand visit. Eating has been a bit difficult due to every time I chew I seem to bite my tongue, cheek or inner lips so have stuck to the softer options.

Wednesday am

Up at my usual 5:00 then into the bath, mouth still out of sorts but other than that ok. Managed to do a fair bit this morning getting ready for the builders who start on Friday, took me about 3 hours to do 1 1/2 hours work, had to keep taking a break but hey it's better than nowt. Left 1 job for later or maybe tomorrow, see how I feel. Finishing this for now, Pauline is going to help me shave my head, then we're going shopping.
