Treatment Day 3

1 minute read time.

Had a pretty good night, about 4 hours till woken for obs than managed another hour or so till drip changeover. Got up did the shaving, teeth & loo then a nice hot bath for pleasure rather than necessity this time. Loved it. Went & stretched out on the bed & fell asleep again. Unbelievable!

Woke up with severe heartburn, first time I've woken with it, told this probably down to the high dose of steroids I've been put on. Had to avoid breakfast & hot drinks till the medication did it's job, actually slept again & felt a lot more comfortable when woken for obs & pills.

Lunch arrived, fish, chips & mushy peas, carefully separated fish from crumb coating and had a few mouthfuls with the peas. Back came the bloody heartburn. More medication, spent the afternoon watching a couple of films on the laptop till Pauline arrived. Dinner arrived while she was here & glad to say I managed faggots & peas without problem. Still avoiding hot drinks as I know from past experience they will trigger the problem till completely cleared, do miss my strong black java.

Just a quarter of my second 5FU left then just two more to go, considering the amount of sleep I've had can't believe how tired I feel.

I will have a much better day tomorrow.


  • FormerMember

    Hello Dave, whatever it is you are doing, keep doing it and you will come out the other end victorious!  Regarding the sleep, your body needs to rest so rest.  Don't worry about the amount of sleep you are having as while you are asleep your body is healing.  Try to keep eating - this is your lifeline, once you stop eating, not good.  Best of luck and comfort to you,Ann x