i'm neutropenic

1 minute read time.

tut! sigh! back in hosp at the local DGH as had a fever early hours of sunday morning and a temp of 38.7oC.  Blood tests showed i had zero white blood cells therefore neutropenic, so got fasttracked to a ward and now in my own room as my immune system is so  weak. was given IV paracetamol to bring temp down but last 24 hours were the worse as it felt like i had tonsilitis. the pain turned me into a gibbering wreck. i cried and winced in pain with every mouthful of yoghurt i had. that was the most painful meal i've ever had, a part from the time i accidentally pierced my throat with a wooden stick while jumping off a shuttlecock climbing frame on my 13th birthday and was too scared to tell my parents so sat there watching Dukes of Hazard trying to eat a salt and vinegar crisp sandwich of all things until the pain got the better of me..anyway....

normal paracetamol didn't help, nor codeine, not even sodding OraMorph, but thank god for IV paracetamol! saved my day. now i can eat food with lumps in it. can't taste a thing mind, this cheese and onion sarnie i'm eating now tastes like pva glue, but i'll go with that for now.

saw my haematologist earlier. says i'm not leaving this joint until i start producing white blood cells again, my temp goes down and my bp gets higher. having antibiotics IV and injected via my stomach. meant to be starting my second chemo cycle at RMH next tues...so much for my respite from all this.

on a more positive note my charity head shave went really well on saturday. was an emotional evening but i needed to do it. so far i've raised £790. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Mei that dreaded word - neutropenic.  I remember it well having accompanied my sister to hospital in the middle of the night with Alex.  I am sure you will be fine in a few days though.  Think of you often and take care


  • FormerMember

    thanks for all your kind comments. it's weds now and my neurophils have climbed to 3, altho no  one will tell me  if that's good  or not,  my temp was ok but feeling hot under this bandana. no breeze outside. been told as i'm still waiting for a swab result and have to be confined to my room so can't stretch my legs and breath different air. my windows only open two inches - child safety or something. throat is much better after two diff mouth washes, some gloop called gelclair for my mouth ulcers and nystaytin for the white patch nr my tonsils. taste buds have come back but disappear after every mouthwash rinse. no longer attached to drip for fluids. still being stabbed in stomach with antibiotics and need anti-sick to stop me from chucking as the antibio taste hits me like a brick. marmite now tastes like salty snot, even my lime cordial tastes rank. my fisherman's pie last  night resembled cement mix and tasted like pond water with rotten fish floating in it. the crook of my left arm is black n blue from cannula. swapped to back of right hand. losing my sense of humour now. don't think we're going back to kansas today, Toto xxx