All I fancy is dirty food...

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Ho diddly-hum. me again. Right. Why does it feel like I'm about to get married? Honestly, with 6 days left to go it feels like this is my last week of freedon, my last chance to get up to no good!! I feel I want to cram a billion things into the next few days, fun things, but the thing is I haven't got the energy, got bugger all money, and everyone else is at work...hmmmmph! Cant even have a sodding bath cos the whole road is without water this morning....only one thing left to do and that's eat. I fancy really dirty food today, i mean, utter filth, but that means getting dressed and honestly, I look like I've woken up in a hedge, and there's no water so cant wash it. Could wash it in beer maybe but what a waste! If i could hop on a plane right now I'd sod off to Mykonos or maybe just get lost in the Lakes over here in Blighty but its such a loooooong drive and would cost over £150 in fuel. Sigh...oh well, cheese toastie, Freesat and daytime telly it is

  • FormerMember

    Enjoy! Then as soon as you can get out and treat yourself. Nothing wrong with a little of what you fancy it might even do you some good!

    Love Julie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi julie

    heh hehe. so true. I'm currently stuffing myself silly with a cheese and salami (white bread) toastie with a bit of branston, bag of walkers ready salted and cadburys creme egg and washing it down with Builder's tea. It's all good. :o) x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mei

    In the absence of water, wine is the only alternative.  My late grandfather used to say that water rusts the stomach - so true!  To quote Julie:


  • FormerMember

    Ha! Bottle of Red it is then. Would it seem uncouth to drink it in pyjama's which I'm ashamed to say I'm still sitting in at 2.04pm! :o)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mei,

    What can I say!!!!. Sitting around in jimjams at 1430.

    Drinking Red wine eating toasties with creme eggs.

    While Im sitting looking out the window watching it pissing down.what can a poor old bloke do???.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx