The dreaded lump

1 minute read time.

I'd never religiously checked my balls, I opted for a more "when I remember" policy, this probably meant I'd check once every six months or so. Anyway by chance I did a little stock take one Sunday night whilst laying in bed. It was then that I found a small lump on the back of my right testicle, probably no bigger than a rice crispy. After the initial panic and double check, I (with the aid of google) self diagnosed an epididymal cyst. I thought it best to get a professional opinion and made an appointment with my GP the next day.

I have to admit at this point I was more concerned with the prospect of my male GP examining me than what he may actually diagnose.

So with my best underpants on (thought I better make an effort) I went off to my appointment. I was invited in and sat on the couch trousers etc round my ankles ready for the examination. It seemed to take an age as he prodded and poked about but finally it was all over. As I got myself sorted out the doctor agreed with my diagnosis of an epididymal cyst and whilst confident this was the case he informed me that to be 100% sure I COULD go for a ultrasound scan if I wished. In hindsight thank god I agreed to go ahead with the scan!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm sorry to hear your diagnosis. I hope that you find it helps to share your story here in your blog.

    You may also be interested in joining and posting in our Testicular Cancer group, where you can share your experiences and get support from others who understand what you're going through.