Summary so far (30 April 2008)

4 minute read time.
All the events I can remember leading up to my prostate cancer operation (radical retropubic prostatechtomy) Tuesday 6 November 2007 - Had unprotected casual sex with Jordan. Friday 10 November 2007 - Thought I may have caught an STD from Jordan as I was having unusual 'sensations' in my dick when having a pee. Tuesday 13 November 2007 - Even though I've had piles for a long time something was telling me to go to my GP to have my piles looked at, he not only checked my piles and referred me to have them grommeted he also checked my prostate (with a DRE) and booked me in for a blood test (for PSA). Friday 16 November 2007 - I attended a GUM clinic (for STD's) as I thought I had caught an STD from Jordan. Tuesday 20 November 2007 - Blood taken by my GP for blood PSA test. Thursday 22 November 2007 - called back to my GPs for blood test results - he said he had found a small lump on my prostate and my blood PSA was 13 - he referred me to Burnley General Hospital for a prostate biopsy. Thursday 6 December 2007 - Consultant at Burnley General Hospital (BGH) confirmed I should have a transrectal needle biopsy. Monday 17 December 2007 - I had a transrectal needle biopsy carried out. The GUM clinic confirmed I was HIV negative, hadn't been exposed to Hepatitis A, B or C, didn't have syphillis, or ghonorehea or any other STD (but I did have a Streptococcal infection of the urethra and prescribed antibiotics which they said would help with assisting not getting an infection with the transrectal biopsy). Wednesday 19th December 2007 - had my piles grommeted at BGH (not a pleasant experience and wanted to pass out at one stage. The doc had a look for signs of bowel cancer and said he couldn't observe any (e.g. polyps etc)). Monday 7th January 2008 11:05am - Had my first meeting with Moham Pillai at Rossendale Hospital and was told by him at 11am I had prostate cancer (results from transrectal needle biopsy confirmed 3+4 and 4+4 Gleason Scale). At the same time he was telling me about my results my phone received a text message requesting I attend for a bone scan. When I went in I wondered why there was a MacMillan nurse in there with me! Wednesday 9th January 2008 - Had my Bone Scan at Royal Blackburn Hospital. Was injected with a radioactive tracer a few hours before the scan. Was locked away in a large room with the scanner told to lay still for about 40 minutes. Was very relaxed when I came out and had a surreal experience whilst driving home - I felt like I had had a very bad dream and couldn't remember what the dream was and then I remembered. I woke up each night a number of times and cried and cried and cried - most times I didn't know why I was crying or what I was crying about. Friday 11th January 2008 - had my MRI scan at BGH. The hospital had lost my notes and was finding it difficult to book me in for a scan. Someone from the gym noticed me waiting in the reception area and asked if she could help - within the hour I was having my scan - thank you Sue. The MRI staff told me I had one kidney (probably from birth). Tuesday 15th January 2008 - met with Debbie Hesketh (my MacMillan nurse) who went through my MRI scan results (which looked ok) Thursday 17th January 2008 - Debbie Hesketh text through to me my bone scan results - "no spread!" Monday 21st January 2008 - appointment with Mr Pillai Monday 21st January 2008 - went to see my GP Doug Wilson and thanked him "for sticking his finger up my bum!" which has probably saved my life Wednesday 30th January 2008 - had a CT scan with tracer dye to check out the health of my one and only kidney - sweated a lot at the thought of the injections whilst being prepared for the scan. Weekend 9th - 10th February 2008 - I measured how much urine I passed (approx 2.2 litres per day) Tuesday 12th February 2008 - had my pre op assessment carried out at Burnley General Hospital - all my questions were answered, was treated so sweetly by all the staff who interviewed and assessed me. Weekend 15th - 17th February 2008 - Went on Embracing Change weekend personal growth course - really powerful (I realised I was scared of being scared). Saturday 23rd February 2008 - last time I had an erection and ejaculated. Sunday 24th February 2008 - went out on my bike on my 13 mile circuit for last time before the op. Monday 25th February 2008 - citramag regime to clean out my bowel system just in case I have to have bowel surgery. Tuesday 26th February 2008 - Radical Retro Pubic Prostatectomy carried out by Mr Mohan Pillai at Royal Blackburn Hospital. Admitted at 07:30am. Operation took over 4 hours. In recovery for about 2 hours.
  • FormerMember

    Well, that's made my partner's eyes water, but you're certainly spreading much-needed information about prostate cancer.  Firstly I want to say that I presume surgery as opposd to chemo means that it hasn't spread - well, that's some good news.  Secondly I want to say how sorry I am that something that has obviously been such a meaningful part of your life (ie sex) is going to be different from now on.  It really has been an awful six months for you.  How have you been feeling since February?  You sound mentally very strong, and I hope this reflects also that your body is recovering.  Please forgive me, a woman with a gyno cancer, responding to you, but your diary format reminds me of the diary of the late great Joe Orton, a book I really enjoy.  Have you read that?  I want to wish you good health in the future.  With very best wishes, Penny

  • FormerMember

    Hello Martin, firstly I do hope that you are on the road to recovery. Secondly congratulations about the honesty in disclosing your sexuality preferences. Sex drive meens a lot to you ?.

    I am at pre treatment stage, to preserve the ability to get erections is very important to me.

    While this may be too soon it would be of help to know your experience to date & longer term expectations, plus what medical advise you have been given regarding future sexual capabilities.

    Your replies will really help me