My lump and I

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Well me and lumpy groin are just back from oncology. You will recall that the ultrasonographer proclaimed my lump to be just an enlarged lymph node, which surprised and concerned me, since I had the lymph nodes in my groin removed in February 2008. Today I saw a member of my consultant's team and she agreed that it is a bit suspicious and requires further investigation. However, she didn't want to order up any further tests without speaking to my consultant first, and he's on holiday for the entire month of August. So I have an appointment for 2nd September and the patience of a saint! On the plus side, my lymphoedema is still under control and if anything the leg is a little slimmer than it was 6 months ago. Unfortunately, my non lymphoedema leg is getting fatter!! What's that about then....? Answers on a postcard! Marsha x