The final journey

Less than one minute read time.

Markus has begun his final journey. The doctor said she can make no prognosis, because she has miscalculated his tenacity before, but she thinks the process has begun. His lungs are not working properly, so he has continuous infusions of valium to prevent restlessness and morphine to stop the feelings of breathlessness. It's what he wanted. He has oxygen, too.. He can barely react to anything now, can't lift his head alone, can't stand lying down, so he is propped up in his bed with lots of pillows.

I spend a lot of time at the hospital, but sometimes I need a break. I stayed till 2 am last night and was in again at 8am. I just feel restless myself.

His sister and his two brothers are going to see him this afternoon, then I'll go back in the late afternoon.

  • FormerMember

    Pat, so sorry to hear your sad news. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. xx

  • FormerMember

    Pat what can i say ,I will be thinking of you both over the coming days \weeks .Markus has been so strong in his fight .I hope it will be a peaceful journey for him now.

    you are in my thoughts and prayers Pat .


  • FormerMember

    Dear Pat so sorry to read your post about Markus. Praying for a peaceful repose,  you are in my thoughts Linda

  • My dearest Pat, I don't have to tell you how much I feel your pain.  It is so hard to sit and watch someone you love slip away.  x x

    Ozzy has asked me to tell you how sorry he is to hear of this current situation. He is unable to get onto the site to tell you himself but sends his love to you both at this terribly difficult time. ((((((((Hugs))))) from Ozzy x x