End of the year

2 minute read time.

The end of 2009 is coming slowly but surely. This is where I should write optimistic, upbeat comments about a new year, a new life, moving on. But I don't feel either optimistic or upbeat. I know I'm not all that old, but it doesn't seem as if there's so much to look forward to. Life stretches in front of me, and I don't really know what to do with it.

No, I'm not 'over' Markus's death by any means, though I can ban thoughts of it at work and during most waking hours. At night, dreams of hospitals and death come to me, so I don't sleep well and jump up when I should be drifting off. During the day I'm hyperactive and driven by something, I don't know what. Probably too many stress hormones circulating, so that I feel better with lots of movement.

Occasionally , something reminds me all to strongly of Markus, and his abscence, and what he was like. Then I cry, wherever I am. Bit of a nuisance, really. And then there is the feeling afterwards that there is nothing left. I didn't think I would feel like this, I wanted to cope, get on with things - support people. Do voluntary work beside my own work. Yet I can hardly cope with my own work. I can't concentrate, can't read an article through without my mind wandering. That's why I'm writing this - an attempt to stay focused for a while.

A young neighbour comes and visits me. He has his own problems, yet he spends time with me. I'm older than his mother. And yet somehow he represents Markus to me, someone to care for, someone to look after.  Someone to talk to and have contact with. Even Markus thought of him as a kind of son.  He'll go his own way, as all young people do. Is this the way forward? As we get older, and lose those we love, do we live again through those younger than ourselves? Our children, if we are lucky enough to have any?

It would be nice to find another partner. May sound strange, when I've just lost the one I spent 27 years with. But he is always there with me, absolutely irreplaceable. It would not be a replacement by any means. As I said, I need someone to look after, to be with. Don't we all?

But I imagine I will get used to this state of being alone again. I was alone for many years, and enjoyed my own company and freedom. I have to learn to live alone - but this time, I see no golden, or even gilded, future. Just getting older.

The end of the year is coming.


  • FormerMember

    It is now 14 months since i joined this group of people. Since those very early days I have read your words. We may never have communicated with each other, apart from odd moments in the chatroom, but through your writing you have given me the strength to fight this evil illness and the dignity to be the person I am today.

    I am proud to know you through this site, and you have my heartfelt thanks for allowing all of us into your life through your blog


  • Hi Pusspins,

    It is still very early days for you in the grieving process. You were so strong for Marcus for such a long time and it is natural you should be 'wobbly' for a while. Don't beat yourself up for letting go and crying - go scream and wail. You know in your heart of hearts that it will gradually get easier and you can remember the good  times.

    My best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Pat, it might be the end of 2009, but Im sure its not the end for you! To me , your are a very humanist person , full of compassion and love, so with those qualities you are bound to be of some use to this world. Of course you feel of no worth some times , that your life is now for nothing, but I ve seen you and I know that given time , you world will start revolving as it should do, not in the same way as it did with  your beloved Markus, but Im sure it will get onto an even keel again! Just keep being who you are , a wonderful caring person  xxxxx Keep smiling ! , thats an order ! xxxx lol

  • FormerMember

    Dear Pat I wish I had some magic words to help your healing process but I like others can offer nothing but friendship via this internet thing we've all come to depend on.

    I am sure the friendship you have with your younger neighbour is reciprocal and that he values what you and Markus have given him over the months.

    I feel sad reading your words knowing that Tony will one day be in your position and probably this side of 50 and yet selfish as it may seem, I can't bear to think of him moving on although really I know I want him to be happy, maybe I am scared he will find someone better (who can actually do housework LOL).

    For whatever good it is, we are your friends, here and on facebook and we will always be here (health willing).

    Here's hoping 2010 brings you peace & continued good health.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Bless you all. I could not have coped over the last months without you. You have given me strength and comfort, made me laugh and cry, gave me the feeling I was not alone. And you all have just as much to contend with as I.

    Debs, I hope Tony will not be in this position, but we know how life deals the cards. If he ever is, I can tell you that  he will never 'move on', that you will always have a special place, because of his love for you and because you have made him who he is today. And that has nothing to do with any other person in his life, ever.

    I hope the coming year brings you lots of good times,

