Radiation cystitis/bowel problems. Help please.

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I have been treated successfully for cervical cancer with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy and internal radiotherapy. My problem one year on is bowel damage which Ive been experiencing since the treatment ended but which I seem to be "managing" better than I did initially. However recently have developed "radiation cystitis" Just wondered if anyone had any "tips" they could pass on for either of these conditions. Im not very good at asking for help and having been given the "all clear" for cancer feel i should just get on with it. Could do with a little support so if anyone out there identifies with me Id be pleased to hear from you. Im a 56 year old retired psychiatric nurse. Good at helping others but it appears not very good at helping myself!  Maggie

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maggie,

    If its support you are looking for you have come to the right site. You will make all the friends who will be only too willing to help,and understand what you are going through.

    So stay on the site and we will answer any questions you ask if we can.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I have never heard of radiation cystitis. I had radiotherapy for bowel cancer in Feb/March 2009 and since then I have had a nightmare with cystitis. I was badly incontinent after surgery when I was in hospital for five weeks and have had problems on and off since then - maybe more on than off. I have had a urosopy and everything showed up and scans and a check to make sure my bladder is emptying. I will go back to my GP and see what she thinks.


    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarsfield. What a lovely message you sent me. Didnt think anybody woud reply and that warm message has given me a real boost. Thank you so much. Maggie

  • FormerMember

    HI Drew, Id never heard of it either until my gp wrote it on urine sample form so I googled it and theres loads about it. Apparently hyperbaric therapy is proving effective for radiation cystitis so its worth looking into. Its non invasive and wouldnt do any harm.Im fed up with it so would like to try it. I feel for you because it gets you down. Seems to flare up and down with me but never really goes away. Hope you get some advice from your gp. I will keep smiling because it helps. Love Maggie