The 2nd Update - Jan 22nd

1 minute read time.

So what do I count down to.  The approximate 6 weeks to the first of my 16 runs at Silverstone or the 8 months until the last one at Birmingham?  When I started my training back in November I had a simple plan.  I had to run a minimum of 3 miles whenever I went out.  In December this changed to 4 miles and now my minimum distance is 5 miles.  I may increase this to 6 but won't make it any more than that.  My long run is now upto 11 miles and I am confident of running a half marathon with little trouble.  I never quite believed that I'd get to a day that I could say that, but training hard, watching what I eat have really made a massive difference.  And I hope that the more money I raise the bigger the difference I can make to the lives of people affected by cancer.  At some point I would like to meet people that Macmillans have helped, to meet the nurses who work so hard for them and the volunteers that help this charity achieve so much.

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