All packed up and ready to go on holiday

1 minute read time.

My bags are packed and I'm ready for my holiday tomorrow.  I am looking forward to it although it will be bitter sweet because John loved Devon too.  I'm sure Pat and I will talk about him a lot while we're away and remember the happy times.  Gemma is wondering what's going on and glued to my side most of the time in case I'm planning on leaving her - bless her little heart!  All her toys, food. blankets and towels are packed too and I wouldn't go anywhere without her. 

I'm glad I went back to my writing class.  Everyone was so welcoming and it's a another little step back to normality.  I'll try to write a little while I'm away and the theme for this week is quite appropriate - 'Time Out', which is exactly what I'm taking!  Perhaps Cynthia chose it just for me?

I've been to the chiropodist and the hairdresser so I've been 'topped and tailed'!  I've got a new 'funky' hairdo - wonder what John would have thought of it.

Can't stop long on here because I'm doing the driving so I need to be fresh as a daisy tomorrow and I haven't even washed up the tea things.  What a lazy lump I'm turning into.

So good night all and see you when I get back.

Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x
